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Home > Beach Party

Beach Party

Celebration Theme Ideas

Decor & Decorations

Nothing is better than fun in the sun spent with family and friends. Grab a refreshing drink, hot dog or burger, slap on the sunscreen and enjoy the festivities. Transform your venue into a tropical paradise for residents to enjoy. Consider hanging beach balls from the ceiling and draping colorful beach towels from chairs. Games such as beach themed bingo and having a beach movie night with classics like Blue Hawaii (Elvis Presley) or Diamond Head (Charleton Heston)

Events & Activities

Nothing is better than fun in the sun spent with family and friends. Grab a refreshing drink, hot dog or burger, slap on the sunscreen and enjoy the festivities. Transform your venue into a tropical paradise for residents to enjoy. Consider hanging beach balls from the ceiling and draping colorful beach towels from chairs. Games such as beach themed bingo and having a beach movie night with classics like Blue Hawaii (Elvis Presley) or Diamond Head (Charleton Heston)

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